Latest Projects

Flashcard preview

FlashCard Master

Node.js, Express, Javascript, Ejs, & Passport.js - Platform to help Study and Memorize information more effectivety
Demo account:
Demo password: demodemo

SociaMedia Preview

Social Media App

Javascript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, Ejs - Full Stack Social Media App
Demo account:
Demo password: demodemo

LassiMart Cafe

Html, Css, Javascript -A fully responsive, beautiful, and modern website for an on trend full-service Cafe.


Morden Digital Web Agency Website


Astronomy Picture Of The Day Project using Nasa Api

Flower Generator

Random Beautiful Flower Generator Tool

Tech Blogs

Flashcard preview

MVC Blog

Model View Controller - It is a widely used software architectural design pattern that organizes our code efficiently. It separates our code functionality and logic

My Services


It all begins with a conversation where we'll pinpoint what this project is all about.


A detailed project proposal including a visual preview will be presented and a plan of action will be decided.


Clients receive regular updates regarding their project status while I create and test it.

Launch & Support

Peace of mind is delivered with the final project in the form of available ongoing support.